The 12th House and Any Planet Meaning Past Lives in Astrology
Astrologically speaking, the 12th house is known as the past lives house and any planet or aspect discovered there can have karmic significance. Hard or intense aspects (conjunctions, squares and quincunxes) tend to have past lives connections more so than softer aspects such as trines or sextiles.
Your South Node provides clues of past life connections. It reflects karmic baggage from previous lifetimes.
Your birth chart, also known as your natal chart, provides a unique blueprint of who you are at the moment of your birth. Additionally, this snapshot can reveal information about past lives if your south node (which traces out where the moon orbits around Earth) and Chiron (a wounded healer asteroid) align with one another in your chart.
Reincarnation, or the belief that our soul can experience multiple incarnations, is central to many religious and spiritual practices. Astrology embraces this notion by using planetary alignments to help understand past lives that may have an effect on current ones.
Astrology may be best known for predicting the future, but it can also provide valuable insight into past lives. Through using houses, nodes and archetypes such as Chiron (the wounded healer asteroid), astrologers can paint an accurate portrait of who you were during past lives as well as any karmic tasks you brought with you into this one.
Example: If your Moon falls in Virgo (the sign associated with writing and research) near Psyche asteroid and Leo South Node (a sign associated with status and leadership), this suggests past life experiences as either a scientist, librarian, detective. You likely led an organized lifestyle at that time.
Searching for clues of past lives may involve looking at your 12th house, which relates to spiritual matters, unconscious mind processes and enemies that remain unseen. Also pay close attention to any retrograde planets as this indicates revisiting past karma to complete unfinished business. Considering your Moon and Mercury signs as strong indicators that communicate skills have been acquired throughout time.
Astrology’s ability to uncover past lives lies within its use of houses, planets and nodes – understanding their karmic significance can give insight into what souls have come here to learn and transform in this lifetime.
People born to mothers whose Mercury was retrograde at birth may possess the instinctive knowledge of how best to disseminate information differently than others – this may have arisen as a result of previous life experiences that provided guidance in how best to handle situations in life.
Mars can be an extremely useful planet when used for past life astrology, particularly if it lands in your personal twelfth house or aspects the Nodes in a chart. When this happens, taking time to focus on goals and motivations during this incarnation can be particularly helpful; face challenges with courage as this will bring rewards! It’s also important to remember that Mars energy can sometimes be aggressive; so taking the time to think through actions before acting can help avoid getting yourself into any potential trouble with it.
Venus, in Roman mythology, is the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. According to Aeneas’ legend as her descendant, Venus became an ancestor to Rome itself through their son. Additionally she is considered a fertility, sexuality and prosperity goddess.
Venus represents courtship, romance and personal taste and values. She enjoys creating those exciting butterflies-in-your-stomach feelings of romance; though at times her selfish desires can get in the way. Venus may sometimes seem self-indulgent – however she knows how to achieve what it wants!
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system due to its thick blanket of carbon dioxide clouds that absorb much of the incoming sunlight. Furthermore, there are mysterious stripes within its upper clouds thought to contain materials which strongly absorb blue and ultraviolet wavelengths, preventing much of this energy from being reflected back out into space – giving Venus its scorching atmosphere. Scientists consider it unbearably hot.
Saturn, commonly referred to as the planet of discipline and lessons, symbolizes past lives as well as karmic debts in astrology. When applied in real life, this aspect can bring hard work and dedication towards reaching goals, while teaching us to remain practical when faced with obstacles. If Saturn appears prominently in your natal chart, you may have experienced religious persecution or family issues related to religious belief in past lives.
Saturn can bring long-term stability and commitment into a relationship, yet can create a cold and harsh approach to love. Aspects between Saturn, the Moon, Venus, Mars, and Pluto can create feelings of jealousy or insecurity within it’s environs.
Saturn conjuncting the South Node may indicate that you and your partner shared past lives karma together. Furthermore, when Juno aspects someone’s South Node or vice versa it may indicate an old connection from before which may help shed light on underlying dynamics within current relationships as well as insights into potential karmic lessons or challenges that must be tackled moving forward.